
I am Alejandro, a visual practitioner based in Brussels working for non-profit and social economy organisations. I help you to:

  • make your online and in-person events more interactive with the practice of Graphic Recording and the use of graphic facilitation tools
  • help your communication to have a bigger impact by using visual storytelling tools.

Do you want to know more about me, my values, and my services?


Who am I?

I am a visual practitioner with five years of experience helping organisations at regional, European and International levels to:

  • make their live and virtual events more interactive
  • create visual tools that bring their message across by allowing their audience to “feel and envision” what they want to say.

I am originally from Sevilla, a lovely city from the south of Spain, where I grew up as a person and a professional in the field of capacity building for non-profit and social economy organisations. The values that drive them, match my own on a professional and personal level.

Since 2005, I have been implementing capacity-building projects for a wide range of audiences at regional, national, and European levels. This experience helps me to profoundly understand your context and therefore meet your needs when it comes to organising events or communicating your projects or advocacy activities.

My values

Here you can find my core values that drive my work as a visual practitioner


Our work makes an impact in the world therefore I contribute with my skills to a positive change towards a more sustainable and fair future in which people can live a better life in balance with the environment.


In a complex world in which we are overloaded with information and messages, we need clarity to understand the challenges that are in front of us. I am passionate to help people understand the complex world we live in so they can make better decisions that align with their own values.


I value empathy and trust when it comes to working with people. The ability to identify and understand the needs and viewpoints of those around you without experiencing them for yourself is key to working together.

Let´s talk and explore together how graphic recording, graphic facilitation tools, and visual storytelling can meet the needs of communication and event management of your organisation.

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