Toolbox, Prométhéa, Beci: Cycles D’Échanges

Prométhéa, ToolBox, and Beci have joined forces to offer a round of discussions on the different options of non-public financing of the non-profit sector.

Multiplying and choosing the right sources and methods of financing, guarantees a long-term financial balance and sustainability. How to undertake these steps? How to develop these skills, and who should they contact? These were the questions answered in the webinars.

On the program: 5 videoconferences led by experts from the private sector and associations that will allow you to consider the development of new financial resources within your structure.

Webinar # 1 - The cooperative, a financing solution for your collaborative projects within your sector.

Webinar # 1 – The cooperative, a financing solution for your collaborative projects within your sector

How does a cooperative operate? Why and how to create a cooperative? What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving to a cooperative?

Webinar # 2: Promote your project to a future patron / sponsor

Webinar # 2: Promote your project to a future patron/sponsor

What criteria must socio-cultural actors put forward to respond to the CSR approach?
What elements should be valued to create a partnership with a patron/sponsor?


Toolbox, Prometheas, Beci: Cycles D’Échanges

WEBINAR #3 : crowdfunding

What is crowdfunding? What kind of crowdfunding exists? How can I success on my crowdfunding campaign?